A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine, Vol. 5 - Bonus Stories

Jesse Duplantis

Need a face lift that everyone will notice? There’s nothing like laughter to light up your face and nothing like joy to lift your spirit! In this uplifting collection of humorous stories from Dr. Jesse Duplantis, you’ll experience laughter as medicine as you learn how funny life can be! This volume includes:

Flying Flunky on an Oil Rig from Breaking the Power of Natural Law

Bad Hygiene and Migrating Boogers from The Four Dimensions of Life

Lust… for Ice Cream! from The God of the Super Heroes, Regular Joes, and Slick Willies

It’s “Saks,” not “Sex!” from The Source of the Human Race

Demons - The Funniest Things Happen at Church from The God of the Super Heroes, Regular Joes and Slick Willies

Proposition Dismissed! from Finding Your Way to Deliverance

“I’s Overcharged!” from Staying Close to the Fruit Tree

Temptation to Slap a Hotel Clerk from God Does Not Give Big Oil to Foolish People

Dead People: Crossing the Graveyard for Sugar from Is Your Jesus Dead?

Bad Hunting with John and Jesse from Staying Close to the Fruit Tree

One Black Family, Two Prejudice Deacons, and Me from The God of Super Heroes, Regular Joes and Slick Willies

“You Are Marlon Brando!” from What it Takes to be a Person of Great Faith

Each story in this volume is taken from a full length message by Dr. Jesse Duplantis, available through this website or by contacting our office directly.

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