A Merry Heart Doeth Good Like a Medicine, Vol. 4 - Bonus Stories
There is nothing like having a good laugh! The Bible says it’s as good as medicine and if you’ve ever enjoyed one of Dr. Jesse Duplantis’ hilarious true stories, we’re sure that you will agree! There is healing power in joy and for Volume 4 of this popular series, we’ve collected more of Dr. Duplantis’ humorous sermon illustrations and combined them into one very funny and very healing volume! Includes:
Attack of the Vienna Sausage from Making Jesus Your Future
Diets Stink from The Day the Power Came
Rebuking Beer Pigs from ’96 WCBC – Lord Take My Problems…
Pentecostal Jerk from It’s a Done Deal
The Fritz Stories from Doing the Job God Has Given Man To Do
Devil-rebuking Kid from Living in the Faith Zone
Trouble with Pantyhose from Why Should We Give God Our Best?
Rats, Kids, and Dogs from Getting Happiness to Flow Daily in Your Life
Adulterous Churchgoers from The Endowed Life
Marriage Changes Things from Faith Has a Destination
Hatchet Head from Becoming Customized
Heavenly Tickling from How Not to Fail in This Life
Hunting with Sinners from The Gospel Casino
Mama, Me, Jimmy, and Mexico from Making Jesus Your Future
Each story in this volume is taken from a full length message by Dr. Jesse Duplantis, available through this website or by contacting our office directly.